Unique class combinations occurring twice-a-week, allowing for more time in the studio to hone your artistic skills.
Class Packages
Registration for packs are now available via "ENROLL NOW."
These packs consist of ongoing classes that bill from the beginning of the month but you can start your instruction any week!
Sessions have specific dates, so click "CLASS DESCRIPTION" button to see the details.
Each pack will include 2 classes/week for one month!
Ultimate Contemporary Pack
Abstract & Contemporary Landscape Painting + Mixed Media Workshop
Mondays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Sundays, 10:00am - 1:00pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is assembled to give artists the ultimate guided experimental experience while also having some fun with a new medium! You will learn the rules to eventually break them!
You will be given the opportunity to experiment with different mediums, techniques, and tools that will help you find your voice and fine tune/hone your skills!
All levels welcome.
6-Hour Long Pose Drawing & Painting Pack
Figure Drawing + Figure Painting
Saturdays 10am - 1pm
Saturdays 2 - 5pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is designed to give you ample time to construct the accurate representation of the live model. You will focus on composition, drawing, shapes, value, edges, and color mixing, all through a 6-hour long pose.
Ultimate Figure Drawing Pack
Figure Drawing + Quick Sketch Figure Drawing
Saturdays 10:00am-1:00pm
Thursdays 6:30pm-9:30pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is designed to give you the ultimate experience in figure drawing while working from life. It will simplify the daunting task of drawing the human body by introducing you to various techniques and skills to accurately measure, construct, and render the figure through observation of various long and short poses. Teens/adults & all levels welcome.
Ultimate Figure Painting Pack
Portrait Painting + Figure Painting
Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Saturdays 2 - 5pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is organized to give you the ultimate experience in figure and portrait painting while working from life. It will simplify the daunting the figure/portrait from life by introducing you to various techniques used for rendering three-dimesional form. Teens/adults & all levels welcome.
Ultimate Drawing Pack
Beginning Drawing Foundations + Introduction to Classical Drawing
Tuesdays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Saturdays 10am - 1pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is arranged to give every artist a strong understanding of the foundation of drawing. You will receive personalized instruction ranging from an introduction to materials to learning how to see simplified forms within more complex objects. You will be given lots of one on one instruction with plenty of demonstrations to guide you through the different elements of good drawing. All ages & levels welcome.
Ultimate Classical Painting Pack
Beginning Classical Painting + Classical Drawing & Painting
Mondays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Wednesdays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
Do you ever look at your work and think “it looks so flat?" Studying classical painting techniques is a journey and a process to become a master. That is our goal for you which is why we guide you step by step on this journey. Our world is three dimensional, and one must learn the illusions and techniques painters use to portray this in objects, atmosphere and environment and, a unique and extremely accurate way of measuring.
In Beginning Classical Painting, we teach you many basics working from flat images like master copies. But to further your understanding of the most magical ways artists can trick the eye, we will teach you how to become an illusionist in Classical Painting II: The Classical Illusionist, and learn to portray the world in 3 dimension. This is the missing link and excellent precursor to working from the live model, environmental painting and so much more. This course is designed to give you a quality of depth and illusion in your work.
All ages & levels welcome.
Ultimate Landscape Pack
Abstract & Contemporary Landscape Painting + In-Studio Landscape Painting Workshop
Mondays 6:30 - 9:30pm
Wednesdays 10am - 1pm
Course Price:
$550.00 USD
This pack is strategically assembled to give you the ultimate landscape painting experience. With an introduction to classical and contemporary techniques to painting the landscape, you will learn how to create atmosphere in your work, deconstruct images into simplified shapes, composition choices, all through personalized instruction. Open to all ages & levels.
Landscape Painting 101
In-Studio Landscape Painting Workshop + Plein Air Landscape Workshop
Wednesdays 10am - 1pm
Once a month, 9:30am - 12:30pm
Course Price:
$380.00 USD (using code 10off at checkout)
“The best way to improve your painting is by painting from life. It is a very freeing exercise that has made a huge difference in my own development as an artist.” That is how Sharon Weaver describes her plein air painting experience.
This is why we have designed this special pack that gives you the ultimate indoor / outdoor landscape painting experience.
In the In-studio class, we will learn how to paint a strong landscape using photo references. Once a month you will have the opportunity to challenge yourself and bring the techniques you have learned in the studio to an outdoor location. Join us!