Kline Academy 17-Year Anniversary
Open House, Student & Faculty Exhibit
Celebrating 17 Years...
Event Details
November 2nd & 3rd, 2024
Saturday, Nov. 2nd, 5pm to 9pm
Sunday, Nov. 3rd, noon to 5pm
Kline Academy of Fine Art
3264 Motor Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Types of work in the exhibit:
Classical Paintings ranging from master copies, to still lifes, and personal projects
Drawings from observation including casts, still lifes, and master copies
Landscape paintings from direct observation during Plein Air workshops as well as works from reference images
Abstract works inspired by the deconstruction of imagery or intuitive based processes
Contemporary Landscape Painting
Figure paintings and drawings from direct observation or concept based narratives
Don't Miss It!
Reason to celebrate
In a city where representational art skills are but a distant memory and a bad word, one Fine Art Academy has carved out not only a niche but also a reputation for building art skills for many emerging LA artists. Kline Academy of Fine Art, established in 2007, reached a milestone this year. Starting with only 10 students and a few classes, Kline now boasts over 200 students in a given month, classes every day, 10 exceptional pro-artists / instructors and visiting professional artists from around the world.
“Your frustration ends at our front door” is the school’s motto. The academy's focus is on teaching skill- based techniques to pre-teens through adults of all levels. These are skills that have been passed down from master artists to students for centuries, continuing a linage of teaching the craft of painting that is taught in very few places in the world. While most Universities have “thrown the baby out with the bath water,” by pushing conceptual art, Kline Academy has made learning real skills the foundation for all their art classes. Founder and Owner Cheryl Kline stresses that “When a student has the skills to draw or paint whatever they can dream up, and do it well, then they can succeed and be proud of their work and that's why we teach excellent drawing and painting skills at our Academy.”
The success of Kline is not just a story about a true entrepreneurial resolve but also about dreams that do come true with hard work and a fighting spirit. When Kline purchased the building on Motor Avenue in 2007, the economy was still going well. Money was tight and as her personal painting sales dropped off, Kline found herself waiting until a student paid for classes then running to the DWP before the electric was turned off. When the crash hit in 2008, her interest only loan was about to expire, she was turned down by 11 banks and the one who finally granted her the loan insisted on testing her for HIV and drugs! In the meantime, she was threatened by the owner of a rival school that he would fight to put her out of business. Complicating life more, her Mother was becoming increasingly ill due to Parkinson’s disease and medical bills were mounting. Working double time, she injured both hands getting ready for an exhibit and had to tape brushes to her arms in order to complete the work and continue to teach.
But despite all obstacles, Kline, her team and the students have thrived. Many students have received acceptance into top art programs around the world after learning the skills they needed to fulfill their creative passions at Kline and others have started promising art careers. Kline students are currently being featured in first-rate galleries and art magazines, as well as winning awards for their work all over the globe. Kline Academy staff believe that the victories of their students are the greatest measure of their success and with that in mind they continue to spread this creative passion to anyone who wants to learn the skills to thrive as an artist.